Life had already beaten Dima before the war did. The absence of a permanent job, epilepsy, and drug addiction don’t add reasons to look on the bright side. And yet, instead of breaking him completely, this war helped him to understand his purpose. Might be too late.
After all, the city is already surrounded by enemy troops, and the streets familiar from childhood are turning into ruins every minute. It is impossible to get out of this hell. Suddenly, Dima comes up with a crazy idea that only a real madman could decide to implement.
This site is published with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). Its content does not necessarily reflect the official position of EED. The information or views expressed on this site are the sole responsibility of its authors.

Theater99.00 ₴
Saved by sea99.00 ₴
Medic99.00 ₴
This site is published with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). Its content does not necessarily reflect the official position of EED. The information or views expressed on this site are the sole responsibility of its authors.